AirTOP is used to assess and improve airport and airspace complexity and capacity, as well as measure air traffic controller workload. The software provides fast-time results – running hours of procedures in just minutes – so the user can see how operations will unfold depending on different factors. AirTOP allows users to visualize impacts before making changes to procedures or investing in costly, time-consuming construction projects.
AirTOP 4.0 offers several new and improved features with exciting extensions in all modules to enhance performance and enrich the user experience.
It is now possible to simulate travelator (moving walkway) usage at the airport with a new feature in the AirTOP Terminal module. Improvements in this module also make it easier to realistically mimic how passengers use elevators and new input parameters and reports provide better results for analyzing check-in allocation.
Updates in the AirTOP Airside modules allow users to edit airport layouts faster, and an improved aircraft lock function simplifies project merging. A new generic waypoint importer in AirTOP's Airspace modules allows multiple different formats to be imported quickly to ease modeling tasks.
Additionally, AirTOP Runway Capacity Analyzer is now operable as a stand-alone module. This tool helps users to evaluate and optimize runway system throughput and performance, considering factors such as current demand and schedules, fleet mix, and modes of operation.
An AirTOP 4.0 upgrade is now available with enhancements to improve the software's performance.