The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) hosted the ICAO’s Air Navigation Commission to a three-day familiarisation visit in Singapore at the end of last month.
The three day visit of 15 Air Navigation Commission (ANC) members included its President Padhraic Kelleher and was part of a series of visits that aims to familiarise Commission members with developments in civil aviation in ICAO member states.
The ICAO ANC helps to advance the safety and efficiency of civil aviation and serves as an independent advisory body of the ICAO Council on all air navigation technical matters.
The ANC’s roles include managing ICAO’s technical work programs relating to safety and air navigation services (ANS) as well as recommending Standards and Recommended Practices for adoption by all ICAO member states.
Representatives from Singapore have served in the ANC since 2006, including as its President in 2010 and 2011.
During the visit to Singapore, CAAS briefed the ANC on Singapore’s plans to rebuild the Singapore air hub post-COVID, raise safety standards and transform the provision of ANS. In particular, CAAS shared with the ANC its multi-pronged efforts to transform the provision of ANS, which will significantly enhance safety, efficiency, capacity and sustainability.
Mr Han Kok Juan, director-general of the CAAS said, “Singapore is honored to host the President and members of the ICAO Air Navigation Commission. It provides an opportunity for us to engage the Commission on what we do in Singapore and how we serve the Asia-Pacific region and our plans to meet future demand which is set to grow exponentially. There is alignment of objectives and priorities - we will continue to work closely with the Commission to set and maintain standards and ensure that air travel remains safe, efficient and sustainable for all airspace users as volume grows.”