Swiss air navigation service provider Skyguide and Belgium’s Intersoft Electronics Services are to partner on the supply for purchase or measurement-as-a-service communications, navigation and surveillance platform CNS Drone SkyRF.
CNS (Communications, navigation and surveillance ) Drone SkyRF supports the commissioning, certification and maintenance of navaids such as ILS (instrument landing system), DME (Distance Measuring Equipment), TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation), VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range), RADAR (Radio Direction and Ranging) and PAPI/VASIS (Precision Approach Path Indicator/ Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems).
The agreement between the two organisations will help satisfy the growing demand for the CNS Drone SkyRF solution worldwide, said Intersoft.
Skyguide has CNS expertise from the ILS DME Drone Checker, and VOR DME Drone Checker software, and Intersoft Electronics Group with decades of experience in the CNS domain.
Skyguide has been using CNS Drones for over six years and has demonstrated the repeatability of the measurements and the correlation to the flight check with the calibration aircraft. In addition, Skyguide has obtained official acceptance by the CAA to reduce aircraft inspection flight hours by more than 50%.
Intersoft has provided technology for the aerospace industry for 40 years including radar technology and CNS services.
With the new product line SkyRF, CNS measurements-as-a-service enable customers to eliminate the training and investment previously needed. The SkyRF service allows for short-term, one-time or recurring measurements with high accuracy and reliability.
The dedicated equipment on board the SkyRF drone and its software platform were specifically designed for measuring navaids and radar performance in the far field. SkyRF has a low operational impact, minimising runway downtime and environmental impact.
The SkyRF platform is manufacturer-independent and is available for air navigation service providers and military operators of CNS equipment. SkyRF offers a complete portfolio of CNS measurements as a service.