It's possible to reduce aviation's carbon footprint while increasing ATC performance with Artificial Intelligence

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the aviation industry. With traffic figures down by 80% in spring 2020, the industry had to reinvent itself to meet the upcoming challenges in this period of slow recovery.

Most ANSPs face a significant revenue shortfall, which in the best cases have been supported by the states. To receive this much needed support, the ANSP's must implement measures to improve efficiency, both in cost and energy.

Reducing aircraft fuel consumption from an air traffic management perspective is a challenge that can be addressed by a number of different means. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can serve this purpose as it can also improve the productivity of air traffic controllers (ATCO), while maintaining safety and enhancing the user friendliness of the ATM systems

In October 2019, skyguide initiated the CHarlie project to implement AI-based tools at tactical level with new solutions enhancing conflict resolution, alerting controllers on traffic anomalies, assisting them in the early identification of future congestions, providing efficient and timely solutions to reduce complexity as well as providing them with indications on the ideal time to take routine actions such as climbs, descents and transfer of communication. The project has used historical data and machine learning as the main drivers.

To develop these new tools, skyguide has called upon three companies to elaborate the functionalities and deliver them for operational use in record time.

SkySoft-ATM is responsible for developing the solution on a stack of new technologies based on the innovative operational concepts elaborated by Betterizon and Ingenav, who are also responsible for operational input, validation activities and interface with skyguide at an operational level. This challenging target is now in sight and the project will highly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the ANSP.

INGENAVThrough providing consultancy, training and software products to the Air Navigation Services industry, Ingenav also meets its core values of are safety, innovation and respect, in the broad sense of the word, including respect towards its partners, clients, the aviation industry and the environment.

CHarlie is now integrated as part of the Virtual Center program and reinforces skyguide's position as a pioneer in the field of ATM, providing capacity to optimize traffic efficiency while adapting to new market demands.

Alex Bristol, CEO of skyguide recently said that “environmental protection is an integral part of skyguide's mission. Artificial Intelligence will be part of the solution to provide this environmental efficiency”.

Each of the function areas described above works with a combination of rich historical data stemming from different sources that include surveillance, flight data and ATCO actions, amongst others and machine learning algorithms that are being modeled to learn patterns and to predict certain outcomes. Unlike deterministic algorithms, where the outcomes are generally rigid, the output results from CHarlie are aimed to be as humanized as they can possibly be by programming the machine learning agent to mimic human traits that include adaptability, weighted responses and timeliness.

On top of this, the outputs are then enhanced on two layers. A first layer includes a series of deterministic checks, using a set of existing functions from skyguide's operational ATM system, aimed at guaranteeing that the outputs are safe and the second layer, a scoring mechanism which privileges Green solutions, which favor the reduction of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions by adhering to the flight's preferred profile and by shortening its route whenever possible.

These solutions, presently in validation phase, are to be integrated into skyguide's implementation streams as early as 2022.

SKYSOFT-ATMResponsible for the development lifecycle for Virtual Centre, the transformation program launched by skyguide. SkySoft-ATM has built a strong knowledge on how to transform and digitalize an ANSP. Artificial Intelligence, DEVOPS practices, Service-Oriented-Architecture, as well as Agile methodology are used by SkySoft to deliver their project on time and on budget. This approach benefiting from our early proximity with air traffic controllers, our long air traffic control expertise is providing quicker developments, high technological reactivity and serviceability.