
DFS and Indra to implement AMAN at Bucharest Airport

Airspace Management
DFS Aviation Services and Indra to partner on arrival management at Bucharest
Bucharest Airport

DFS Aviation Services and Indra are to implement an arrival management system within the Terminal Manoeuvring Area  of Bucharest.

The Arrival Manager System (AMAN) of DFS Aviation Services facilitates the sequencing of air movements at the airport to increase efficiency and capacity. AMAN has been proven in the field for more than 20 years.

The modular system automatically changes operating scenarios and makes planning suggestions to air traffic controllers (ATCOS). AMAN registers all arriving aircraft within a range of 200 nautical miles or more around an airport.

As part of the 18 month project, DFS Aviation Services will develop, provide documentation, quality assurance procedures, configuration management, and provide hardware, training sessions and testing.

Beyond the initial implementation phase, DFS Aviation Services will provide ongoing maintenance and support services for additional years to ensure seamless operation and efficiency of the AMAN arrivals management module.

Andreas Pötzsch, Managing Director of DFS Aviation Services said: “We are immensely proud to be involved in this important project and look forward to this strong co-operation with Indra and ROMATSA.”

Adrian Cojoc, general director of the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) said: “Whereas with our long-standing partner Indra, we have several ongoing projects, such as FF-ICE implementation, this is our first project with DFS Aviation Services, paving the way for future collaboration.

“The project will benefit airspace users aims by integrating the mature AMAN module developed by DAS, which is already implemented in various international projects, in the ROMATSA ATM system developed by Indra.”

José Luis González Paz, director of Continental Europe ATM at Indra said, “it is essential for Indra to collaborate and strengthen the relationship with long-term partners such as DAS and ROMATSA, with the ultimate goal of achieving more efficient and sustainable air traffic. Whether as a technology provider, partner or customer, we are all looking for this goal, which is based on collaboration, as well as to offer the best and safest service to travelers.”