ANSP Global Air Navigation Services has reported several operational and safety benefits at Abu Dhabi Airports after a year using the ATRiCS TowerPad system which applies Level 4 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System.
The ATRiCS TowerPad system (T-PAD), which was installed in March 2022 is a tower automation system which integrates and delivers fully automated conflict detection and resolution between aircraft and vehicles on the surface of airports.
In its first year of operation, the system has reduced the time of radio transmissions by an average of 6 seconds for each arrival and 8 seconds for each departure, which provides the controllers with more time for planning and coordination tasks.
A notable safety benefit has been the reduction in the number of taxiway incursions that take place during the hours of operation of the “Follow the Greens”. The deployment of T-PAD has also enabled a saving in staffing during Low Visibility Operations (LVOs) as the Airfield Ground Lighting is now fully automated and controlled via the T-PAD whereas previously a dedicated Lighting Panel Operator would have been used during LVOs.
Yahya Al Hammadi, Global Air Navigation Services (GANS) CEO said, “The implementation is aligned with GANS strategy to adopt innovative technological developments to improve the services provided to customers. TowerPad continues to prove its abilities as it enables the increase in capacity as air traffic demand at Abu Dhabi International Airport continues to grow.”
ATRiCS T-PAD implements Level 4 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) functions for the routing service and guidance service by automatic switching of taxiway centerline lights and stop bars. T-PAD also provides the end-user with capabilities such as Integrated Controller Working position (ICWP), Floating Spacing (automated longitudinal separation) and Stripless Electronic Clearance Input.
“The roll out of ATRiCS T-PAD at Abu Dhabi International Airport is the most advanced technology anywhere in Air Traffic Management,” stated Wolfgang Hatzack, CEO of ATRiCS, a Frequentis group company. “We are delighted to see Abu Dhabi Airports benefit from the long-term use of the system allowing the airport and airlines to benefit from fewer flight delays and shorter taxi time thanks to better predictability of arrivals and departures. As part of Frequentis OneATM, ATRiCS products are also being implemented in towers solutions, uniting market leading technologies into one open ATM ecosystem.“
GANS prepared the system and operational requirements, managed the project, and produced the Method of Operations (MOPS) customised to the operating environment of Abu Dhabi International Airport.
GANS also conducted the training for its ATCOs and engineers, developed the safety assessment, obtained regulatory approval and was actively involved in the airside trials and shadow mode testing prior to implementation.