
Advanced wind detection system installed at Madeira Airport 

NAV Portugal installs system to help improve safety
Image: Bingar1234 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

NAV Portugal has installed a wind detection system at Madeira Airport that collects precise meteorological data within a range of 10km, providing near real-time data for improving operational safety.

The €3.5 million MADeira Winds system (MAD Winds) has begun a year-long pre-operation period for evaluation and configuration adjustments to align with Madeira Airport’s requirements.

The wind detection system will enhance the safety and efficiency of airport operations and is part of NAV Portugal’s efforts to update air navigation infrastructure in Portugal.

MAD Winds includes an X-Band Radar, a LIDAR system, and a processing system for analysing meteorological data with high precision at near real-time data rates. The system is designed to assist in operational decision-making and provide weather-related data for flight crews.

Pedro Ângelo, CEO of NAV Portugal said: “This investment underscores NAV Portugal's focus on operational safety and efficient air operations in Madeira, ensuring technical support for controllers, pilots, and airport operators.”

The system aims to improve the analysis and forecasting of meteorological phenomena such as windshear, turbulence, and microbursts that affect airport operations. It provides data on wind conditions, particularly during critical phases of flight, including approach, landing, and take-off.

Alerts generated by MAD Winds will be communicated by air traffic control to aircraft, supporting operational decisions. The system is also expected to assist in air traffic management, airline operations, and airport management. Its ability to monitor weather conditions within a 10km (6 mile) radius of the airport will allow for more precise weather assessments.

The data may contribute to revising wind limits in the future, as current wind-driven diversions are often within a narrow range—typically no more than 3 knots above the limits.

The pre-operation this year will include testing under a variety of weather conditions to improve operational reliability.

Madeira Airport is among a small number of airports utilizing technology designed to address adverse wind conditions. The system takes inspiration from similar implementations at airports in Hong Kong and Palermo and aims to provide tools for enhancing safety and predictability in airport operations.

NAV Portugal is responsible for air navigation services within Portugal's airspace, including the Lisbon Flight Information Region (FIR), which covers mainland Portugal and the Madeira Archipelago, and the Santa Maria FIR, encompassing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Azores Archipelago. The ANSP has around 1,000 technical staff and operates air traffic control centers and control towers across Portugal.